Weekly Quote

Our intelligence has evolved faster than our thinking ways. We are living in a peculiar era where our intelligence is new but our thinking ways are old... The Missed Evolution

Author of: The Missed Evolution


Why this Book?

Amazon Link: bit.ly/amzn_tme

One book I found missing on bookshelves was a book which tells me everything relevant to understand human life – i.e. origin, thinking, and purpose - with a right mix of science and philosophy so that I can replace borrowed beliefs with reality conclusions. I focused my learning and research on this aspect and started building the link.

We have formed and absorbed irrational beliefs because of the flaws in our thinking system. In spite of these thinking flaws we have achieved great progress, but that was primarily through our intelligence. Our intelligence and our thinking belong to a different era. Our intelligence is new but our thinking is still primitive. Rational thinking is the missed milestone on our evolutionary journey.

Mahendra Chaturmutha, India.